Wednesday, 28 October 2009



Passive voice fokus pada apa yang telah dikerjakan orang atau benda tersebut. Di pasive voice objek dari kata kerja aktif menjadi subjek di kata kerja pasif. Tidak semua kalimat aktif mempunyai bentuk pasifnya. Namun semua kalimat pasif pasti dapat dibuat kalimat aktifnya. Karena hanya kalimat yang memiliki kata kerja transitif  (kata kerja yang diikuti / memiliki objek) yang bisa dibuat pasif. Sementara kata kerja intransitif ( kata kerja yang tidak diikuti / tidak memiliki objek)  tidak bisa dibuat pasif. Pola kalimat dalam kalimat pasif bahasa inggris sebagai berikut.

Flowchart: Punched Tape: S + Be + V3 (past participle)+ O



            Subject                  verb           object
Alexander Graham Bell invented  the telephone

The telephone was invented by Alexander Graham Bell
     Subject             verb                          agent   
Focus of active sentence: Alexander Graham Bell
Focus of passive sentence: the telephone

Umumnya dalam kalimat pasif digunakan frasa by. Frasa by ini digunakan bila kita ingin mengatakan bahwa pelaku suatu tindakan atau perbutan penting untuk diketahui.
Misalnya pada kalimat :
-          Jakarta Undercover was written by Moammar Emka.
Dalam kalimat ini pembicara ingin menekankan bahwa Moammar Emka adalah penulis novel Jakarta Undercover.
Namun kalimat pasif seringkali digunakan ketika tidak diketahui siapa pelakunya atau tidak begitu penting untuk mengetahui siapa yang melakukan tindakan atau perbuatan. Dalam kasus ini kita tidak perlu memakai frasa by.
Misalnya dalam kalimat:
-          Rice was grown in Indonesia.
Dalam kalimat ini kita tidak mengetahui siapa yang menanam padi. Yang jelas padi ditanam d Indonesia oleh seseorang, banyak orang atau petani.   

A.      The Passive Voice with Simple Present
Untuk  mengubah kalimat aktif dalam Simple Present Tense ke kalimat pasifnya, kita menggunakan pattern (pola) sebagai berikut:

Flowchart: Punched Tape: To Be ( Am, Is or Are) + V3 (Past Participle)

Simple Present Tense
Active Voice
Passive Voice
a.       The thief stoles jewelry in dina’s house
b.      Grandmother cooks rendang

Jewelry in Dina’s house is stolen by the thief
Rendang is cooked by Grandmother

B.      The Passive Voice with Present Continuous
Untuk  mengubah kalimat aktif dalam Present Continuous Tense ke kalimat pasifnya, kita menggunakan pattern (pola) sebagai berikut:

Flowchart: Punched Tape: To Be ( Am, Is or Are) + Being + V3 (Past Participle)

Present Continuous Tense
Active Voice
Passive Voice
a.       Rendy is sending packages into Semarang
b.      Feny and dina are launching a new album
Packages are being sent into Semarang (by Rendy)
A new album is being launched by Feny and Dina

C.      The Passive Voice with Present Perfect
Untuk  mengubah kalimat aktif dalam Present Perfect Tense ke kalimat pasifnya, kita menggunakan pattern (pola) sebagai berikut:

Flowchart: Punched Tape: Has or Have + Been + V3 (Past Participle)

Present Perfect Tense
Active Voice
Passive Voice
a.       Scientists have improved technology
b.      Loly has bought keyboard
Technology has been improved (by scientists)
Keyboard has been bought  by Loly

D.      The Passive Voice with Simple Past
Untuk  mengubah kalimat aktif dalam Simple Past Tense ke kalimat pasifnya, kita menggunakan pattern (pola) sebagai berikut:

Flowchart: Punched Tape: Was or Were + V3 (Past Participle)

Simple Past Tense
Active Voice
Passive Voice
a.       The government developed  public transportations
b.      Windy sent the e-mail
Public transportations were developed by the government
The e-mail was sent by Windy

E.       The Passive Voice with Past Continuous
Untuk  mengubah kalimat aktif dalam Past Continuous Tense ke kalimat pasifnya, kita menggunakan pattern (pola) sebagai berikut:

Flowchart: Punched Tape: Was or Were + Being + V3 (Past Participle)

Past Continuous Tense
Active Voice
Passive Voice
a.       The astronaut was preparing missions to the planet
b.      Scientists were improving computer technology
Missions to the planet were being prepared (by the astronaut)
Computer technology was being improved (by scientists)

F.       The Passive Voice with Past Perfect
Untuk  mengubah kalimat aktif dalam Past Perfect Tense ke kalimat pasifnya, kita menggunakan pattern (pola) sebagai berikut:

Flowchart: Punched Tape: Had + Been + V3 (Past Participle)

Past Perfect Tense
Active Voice
Passive Voice
a.       I had showed the slides of presentation
b.      We had flown the balloon
The slides of presentation had been showed (by me)
The balloon had been flown (by us)

G.     The Passive Voice with Simple Past Future
Untuk  mengubah kalimat aktif dalam Simple Past Future Tense ke kalimat pasifnya, kita menggunakan pattern (pola) sebagai berikut:

Flowchart: Punched Tape: Would + Be + V3 (Past Participle)

Simple Past Future Tense
Active Voice
Passive Voice
a.       Galuh would watch a movie
b.      Leta would give a new bicycle to Fitri
A movie would be watched by Galuh
A new bicycle would be given to Fitri by Leta

H.     The Passive Voice with Past Future Perfect
Untuk  mengubah kalimat aktif dalam Past Future Perfect Tense ke kalimat pasifnya, kita menggunakan pattern (pola) sebagai berikut:

Flowchart: Punched Tape: Would + Have + Been + V3 (Past Participle)

Past Future Perfect Tense
Active Voice
Passive Voice
a.       Gea would have written biography
b.      Dedien would have drawn a classic dress
Biography have been written by Gea
A classic dress have been drawn by Dedien

I.        The Passive Voice with Simple future
Untuk  mengubah kalimat aktif dalam Simple Future Tense ke kalimat pasifnya, kita menggunakan pattern (pola) sebagai berikut:

Flowchart: Punched Tape: Will + Be + V3 (Past Participle)

Simple Future Tense
Active Voice
Passive Voice
a.       Tami will buy a new dress

b.      Dito will repair the car
A new dress will be bought by Tami
The car will be repaired by Dito

J.        The Passive Voice with Future Perfect
Untuk  mengubah kalimat aktif dalam Future Perfect Tense ke kalimat pasifnya, kita menggunakan pattern (pola) sebagai berikut:

Flowchart: Punched Tape: Will + Have + Been + V3 (Past Participle)

Future Perfect Tense
Active Voice
Passive Voice
a.       Danio will have driven the motorcycle
b.      Hilman will have repaired the computer
The motorcycle will have been driven by Danio
The computer will have been repaired by Hilman

K.      The Passive Voice with Modal Auxiliary
Untuk  membentuk passive voice dengan menggunakan Modal Auxiliaries, kita menggunakan pattern (pola) sebagai berikut:

Flowchart: Punched Tape: Modal + Be + V3 (Past Participle)

Modal Auxiliary

Modal Auxiliaries
Active Voice
Passive Voice
a.       Intan can see germs
b.      Lita can’t touch a garbage
Germs can be seen by Intan
A garbage can’t be touched by Lita
a.       Scientist could find a cure for cancer soon
b.      Vira could get jewelry from her boyfriend
A cure for cancer could be found (by scientist) soon
Jewelry could be gotten (by vira) from her boyfriend

a.       A dentist should check your teeth once a month

b.      We should start space colonies
Your teeth should be checked (by dentist) once a month

Space colonies should be started (by us)
a.       A doctor will perform plastic surgery
b.      Fina will take the money
Plastic surgery will be performed (by doctor)
The money will be taken by fina

L.       It with The Passive Voice
It terkadang digunakan dalam passive voice untuk mengantikan nama dari seseorang atau sumber informasi.. Pattern (pola) ini sering digunakan dengan kata kerja sepert: believe, feel, hope, report, say and think. Kalimatnya menggunakan kata that yang diikuti dengan kata kerja.
It with The Passive Voice
Active Voice
Passive Voice
a.       People believed that the Sun was the centre of the universe
b.      Some people thought that meteors are star falling from the sky
It was believed that the sun was the centre of the universe

It was thought that meteors are falling from the sky

M.    Born with The Passive Voice
Ketika berbicara tentang kelahiran orang tertentu atau suatu peristiwa, kita menggunakan bentuk pasif “to be born”.

-          I was born in Iran.
-          The twins were born just last year.
N.     Get with The Passive Voice
Get bisa digunakan menggantikan to be pada situasi dimana sesuatu terjadi.
-          Our flight got cancelled = Our flight was cancelled.
-          I got paid today = I was paid today.
Get  tidak bisa digunakan pada situasi-situasi umum dan apabila bersama dengan kata kerja yang menyatakan keadaan (bukan tindakan).
-          He is liked by a lot of people. – Benar
-          He gets liked by a lot of people. - Tidak benar
-          She is known to be a hard-working employee. – Benar
-          She gets known to be a hard-working employee.- Tidak benar
Get digunakan lebih sering dalam bahasa Inggris informal.
O.     Need with The Passive Voice
        Dalam bentuk passive, need digunakan dengan to be + verb 3 sesudah kata kerja need. Dengan catatan subek kalimat adalah benda selain orang.
-          Active: The house need painting
-          Passive: The house need to be painted.
Tense/verb form
Active voice
Passive voice
Simple present
Is kept
Present continuous
Is keeping
Is being kept
Simple past
Was kept
Past continuous
Was keeping
Was being kept
Present perfect
Has kept
Has been kept
Past perfect
Had kept
Had been kept
Will keep
Will be kept
Would keep
Would be kept
Perfect conditional
Would have keep
Would have been kept
Present infinitive
To keep
To be kept
Perfect infinitive
To have kept
To have been kept
Present particile/gerund
Being kept
Perfect participle
Hane kept
Having been kept

Bentuk passive biasanya digunakan :
  1. Bila lebih menarik untuk menekankan hal yang dilakukan daripada pelaku hal tersebut, atau bila pelakunya dianggap tidak penting. 
Example :
o   The Hero monument was built many years ago.  
o   He was put into prison.                                                                                                    
  1. Bila kita ingin menemukan penderita perlakuan yang dinyatakan oleh kata kerja.
o   The man hit by car.
o    The book was given to me by the teacher.



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